Hatice Kübra Elçioğlu
Vice Editors
Levent Kabasakal
Esra Tatar
Online ISSN
Marmara University
Bimonthly (Six issues / year)
Former Name
Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
Smilar Issues: 1756 Record Found
Melatonin and the pathophysiology of cellular membranes
Pages 001-009 DOI : 10.12991/201014457
Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
The total synthesis of 2/’,3/’-dihydro-2/’-hydroxyisopropyl-3/’methoxyfurano coumarin (VII).
Pages 001-005
The cobalt complexes of 3,4-diaminobenzenesulfonic acid
Pages 007-024
Atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of lead in blood
Pages 025-033
The investigation of lead exposure in storage battery factories
Pages 035-049
Determination of procainamide hydrochloride and some dosage forms with 9-chloroacridine by quenching fluorometry
Pages 051-057
Reductive cleavage of azo compounds with hydrazine hydrate and some new 1, 3, 4-thiadiazole derivatives
Pages 059-068
Çiriş plants of Turkey (I)
Pages 069-089
The genus Eremurus (Liliaceae) in Turkey
Pages 091-100
Vernacular uses of plants in Turkey (I)
Pages 101-106
Nabilone: Cannabinoid with antiemetic activity
Pages 107-110
Polimerlerin farmasötik teknolojideki yeri
Pages 111-122
Chromosome numbers of some Asphodeline species
Pages 113-117
The genus Anthericum (Liliaceae) in Turkey
Pages 119-124
Effects of 60Co γ-rays on 5-fluorocil.
Pages 125-132
Electrophoretic origin determination in food analysis.III. Disc electrophoresis of the water-soluble proteins of some hard and soft wheat varieties.
Pages 133-137
Fluorodensitometric determination of metoprolol tartrate after derivatization with NBD-chloride
Pages 139-144
Exterior and interior morphological studies on the Turkish endemic Centaurea derderiifolia Wagenitz and Centaurea saligna (C.Koch) wagenitz 1
Pages 145-156
Phytochemical investigation of Daphne pontica L
Pages 157-160
Activated charcoal: an effective antidote used in intoxications
Pages 161-168
Importance of flavonoids in pharmacy
Pages 169-183
Biology of lichens and utilizing
Pages 185-194
Herbal medicine in America
Pages 195-196
Exterior and interior morphological studies on the Turkish endemic Centaurea derderiifolia Wagenitz and Centaurea saligna (C.Koch) Wagenitz 2
Pages 001-017
Çiriş plants of Turkey (II): Morphological comparisons on the genera Asphodeline, Asphodelus, Eremurus and Anthericum
Pages 019-026
The effect of various physiological factors on the carboxymethyl cellulase synthetase of cellulomonas cellulasea
Pages 027-033
The potentiometric investigation of 4,4’-diaminocarbanilide-copper (II) complex
Pages 034-047
An evaluation of some alkaloids of Papaver somniferium
Pages 049-052
Constituents of Salvia albimaculata II
Pages 053-055
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Cynoglossum montanum
Pages 057-060
The investigation of methemoglobin formation during chemistry laboratory studies
Pages 061-067
Phytochemical investigation of Daphne pontica L. II
Pages 069-070
Phytochemical investigation of Daphne oleoides Schreb. subsp. oleoides
Pages 071-073
Thermodynamic constants of the adducts formed with antazoline and nickel (II) diethyldithiophosphate [Ni (dtp)2]
Pages 075-083
High-pressure liquid chromatographic assay of mephenoxalone
Pages 085-089
The place of Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach. (Rosaceae) in pharmacognosy
Pages 091-097
Spectrophotometric determination of mixtures
Pages 099-112
Pollen Allergy
Pages 113-117
The effect of insuline on human platelet activation
Pages 001-009
Molecular subcloning and DNA sequenching of fragment E of α-subunit of fatty acid synthetase gene in saccharomyces cerevisiae
Pages 011-022
Use of preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations
Pages 023-033
Percutaneous absorbtion: an overview of the biological mechanism
Pages 035-044
Pharmacognostic researches on Thymus capitatus (L.) hoffm. et Link
Pages 045-052
The assay of some sedative drugs by high pressure liquid chromatography
Pages 053-061
Determination of some analgesic drugs by high pressure liquid chromatography
Pages 063-069
Chromosomes of Helleborus grown in Turkey
Pages 071-074
Studies on the anatomy of fruits of pepper (Piper nigrum L.) and false pepper (Schinus molle L.)
Pages 075-088
Spectrophotometric determination of some local anesthetics
Pages 089-096
The natural sources having antidiabetic activity
Pages 097-112
The Turkish vernacular names of Isatis L. species and their usages
Pages 001-005
Studies on formulation, pilot manufacturing and controlled release of micropellets containing antazoline
Pages 007-018
The formation and stability of 3,4-diaminobenzenesulfonic acid -iron (III) complex
Pages 019-030
A study on the solid state stability of amoxycillin sodium
Pages 031-041
Fluorodensitometric determination of capsaicinas its dansyl derivative
Pages 043-051
The formation and stability of 3,4-diaminobenzenesulfonic acid -nickel (II) and manganese (II) complex
Pages 053-063
Spectrophotometric assay of nomifensine hydrogenmaleate using metol-chromium (VI) reagent
Pages 065-069
Spectrophotometric determination of procainamide hydrochloride in tablets with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
Pages 071-075
A spectrophotometric determination of nomifensine hydrogenmaleate using p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
Pages 077-082
The determination of procainamide hydrochloride in tablets by HPLC
Pages 083-087
Terpenoids and a flavone from Marrubium parviflorum
Pages 089-091
Flavonoids from Verbascum cheiranthifolium Boiss
Pages 093-097
Isolation of the point mutation of the enoyl reductase-minus mutant (FAS I-246), in Saccharomyces cerevisae
Pages 099-105
The thin layer chromatographic analysis of some basic drugs and the investigation of the influence of the biological matrix on the analysis
Pages 107-114
Determination of ascorbic acid in various vegetables and fruits by polarographic method
Pages 115-121
The determination of procain hydrochlorid in enjectable preparations by HPLC
Pages 123-130
The thin layer chromatographic analysis of some acidic and neutral drugs and the investigation of the influence of the biological matrix on the analysis
Pages 131-137
Spectrophotometric determination of maprotiline hydrochloride with 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethan
Pages 139-143
Gas chromatographic analysis on Turkish Origanum oils
Pages 145-149
The formation and stability of 2-aminophenol-4-sulfonic acid-copper (II) complex
Pages 151-158
The effects of the UV-C radiation on Balb/c mice plasma proteins
Pages 159-162
A new synthesis of 2-benzimidazolinone
Pages 163-164
The determination of methods of p-aminobenzoic acid derivates
Pages 165-168
The 10th Anniversary of the Pharmacy Faculty of Marmara University 1979-1989
Pages 162-192
Determination of the pollen morphology and allergen Gramineae pollens in air at Nişantaşı
Pages 001-015
Capsule formulations containing solvent deposited acetazolamide systems
Pages 017-024
Electrophoretic origin determination in food analysisV. Examination of polyacriylamide gel (pag)-disc electrophoresis of the aqueous ethanol-soluble proteins (gliadin) of some hard wheat varieties and macoroni samples
Pages 025-030
The isolation of hydrochlorides of symmetrical diaminocarbanilides and the determination of their acid constants
Pages 031-039
Synthesis and spectrophotometric analysis of some new azo-pyrazole substitued 1,2,4-triazole-5-thiones
Pages 041-047
The effect of defibrotide on plasma proteins of Balb/c mice
Pages 049-056
Investigation of the effect of defibrotide on plasma proteins of atherosclerotic subjects by polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis
Pages 057-062
Investigations of some point mutations in beta thalassemia patients by gene amplification and synthetic oligonucleotide probe hybridization methods
Pages 063-078
Chemical investigation of the marine red alga Laurencia obtusa
Pages 081-089
Simultaneous determination of paracetamol and mephenoxalone by third derivative UV spectrophotometry
Pages 091-097
Autocrine effect of transforming growth factor-alpha in human prostate cancer cells
Pages 099-115
On the license of an Ottoman Pharmaceutical Product
Pages 117-121
Spectrophotometric determination of baclofen in tablets with 1,2-naphtoquinone-4-sulphonic acid sodium salt
Pages 001-007
Synthesis and characterization of some N-[2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl] substituted benzamide derivatives
Pages 009-023
Synthesis and characterization of some new 2,4,6-trisubstituted N,N-dibenzylanilines
Pages 025-032
High pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of some sedative-hypnotic antiepileptic and analeptic drugs with RP-CN-column
Pages 033-038
Synthesis and characterization of the coupling products of some diazonium salts with acetylacetone
Pages 039-049
The fromation and stability of 3,3’-diaminocarbanilid-copper (II) complex
Pages 051-061
Spectrophotometric determination of atenolol by ion-pair extraction technique
Pages 063-068
Determination of ethylene oxide residues in plastic medical devices manufactured in Turkey
Pages 069-076
Kidney alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase and creatinine kinase activities of rat administered nitrosomorpholine
Pages 077-081
pharmacognostic investigations on Brassica oleracea var. capitata
Pages 083-088
Analysis of acetaminophen and Phenobarbital combinations by nonaqueous titration
Pages 089-093
The purification of prothrombin from bovine plasma and its evaluation with HPLC
Pages 095-105
Synthesis and characterization of some arylhydrozones of p-(benzoylamino) benzoic acid hydrazide
Pages 107-111
The rana ridibunda skin secretion: Its antifungal effect on morphology and on DNA synthesis of the normal embriyonic fibroblast cells and chemically induced tumor cells of rattus norvegicus in culture and its purification
Pages 113-144
The formation and stability of 2,2’-diaminocarbanilid-copper (II) complex
Pages 145-159
Some analytical applications of Cu 2+ -selective liquid membrane electrode
Pages 001-005
In vitro inactivation of theestradiol receptor by a lysosome-enriched fraction from pig uterus
Pages 007-011
Bioavailability of co-trimoxazole oral suspensions
Pages 013-021
The determination of stability constants of N-salicylidene-L-cysteine iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc complexes by potentiometric methos
Pages 023-034
The determination of stability constants of L-glutamic acid gold (III) and mercury (II) complexes by potentiometric method
Pages 035-046
Determination of the rate coefficient of KI-K2S2O8 reaction by differential absorbance measuring method
Pages 047-057
Polarographic determination of flavanoids (II)
Pages 059-064
The textbook of pharmaceutical botany published at İstanbul between 1839-1960
Pages 065-084
Differential spectrophotometry in chemical kinetics: Determination of the pseudo-first-order rate coefficient of methyl salicylate hydrolysis
Pages 085-095
The amount of aflatoxin in different feedstuffs in Turkey
Pages 097-102
The determination of stability constants of N-salicylidene-L-asparagine chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc complexes by potentiometric method
Pages 103-115
The investigation on the antibacterial and antifungal effects of some volatile oils
Pages 117-128
The development of the exportation of Turkish medicinal plants
Pages 129-134
Synthesis, characterization and chromatographic studies on some new substituted α, N-diarylnitrones
Pages 135-143
The analyses and the essays made in the laboratories of the civil medical school in 1870
Pages 145-159
Investigation about subclass of type II IgG which is able to bind estradiol receptor
Pages 001-010
The investigation about the binding responcible site of the subclasses type II IgG-IgG1 which bind non specific estradiol receptor
Pages 011-024
partial purification and antibacterial effects of Brassica oleracea var. acephala extract and investigations of its effects on the plasma proteins of mus musculus Balb/c mice
Pages 025-036
The effects of N-nitrosomorpholine on rat kidney lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase activities
Pages 037-041
The microflora of some spices as paprika (Capsicum annuum), black pepper (Piper nigrum) which are sold in markets of İstanbul
Pages 043-057
The investigation of allergic mould contaminants on baby powders
Pages 059-066
Nasal drug delivery systems: an overview of nasal drug absorbtion
Pages 067-080
Immunoassays and time - resolved fluorometry
Pages 081-091
Antifungal prophylaxis in bone marrow transplantation
Pages 093-101
The nonspecific binding of immunoglobulin to estradiol receptor and its possibility in different species
Pages 103-114
Investigation of the effect of defibrotide on plasma proteins of atheroschlerotic subjects by isocratic HPLC
Pages 115-120
Morphological observations on the effect of pyrroloquinoline quinine (PQQ) on mouse kidney, liver and testes
Pages 121-131
The level of G proteins in control and differentiated K562 cells
Pages 133-139
Microbial investigation in non-sterile pharmaceutical and cosmetic products I. The detection of mycotic contamination in eye cosmetic
Pages 141-155
Determination of hormones by immunoassays and time-resolved fluorescence
Pages 157-163
Techniques in in vitro oxidative microsomal phase I drug metabolism
Pages 165-185
Fungal infections I the immunocomprimised patients and new approaches in antifungal chemotherapy
Pages 187-197
The smiltaneous determination of ascorbic acid and rutin by first-derivative UV spectrophotometry
Pages 001-009
Synthesis of some substituted 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives
Pages 011-016
Synthesis and characterization of some thiourea derivatives from 1,2,4-triazoline-3-thiones
Pages 017-025
Polarographic studies on the Cu(II) complex of SALH2.NaNO3.H2O* (I): determination of the standard free energy of activation and the integral heat of solution
Pages 027-033
Hemoglobin A1C in the newborn
Pages 035-037
Studies on the contact dermatitic properties of Pakistani Medicinal Plants. Part VI. Dermal irritating properties of Lavandula stoechas L
Pages 039-049
The scientific activities of Ord. Prof. dr. Alfred Heilbronn (1885-1961) at the University of İstanbul
Pages 051-066
Microbial investigations in non-strerile pharmaceutical and cosmetic products II. The detection of mycotic contamination in shampoos
Pages 067-081
Evaluation of the effects of gamma irradiation on the blood parameters and relative plasma viscosity
Pages 083-088
Bacteriological, mycological and parasitological examination of some fruit juices (Lemonade and orange juices) sold in İstanbul markets during summer months
Pages 089-104
Determination of the dissociation constants of AgCl and Ag2SO4 in organic solvent-water mixtures
Pages 105-113
clinical and Laboratory data in Pediatric kidney diseases
Pages 115-120
The importance of specific proteinuria (N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, beta-2 microglobulin, microalbumine)
Pages 121-130
Analytical chemistry in education of pharmacy and professor Ömer Şevket Öncel (1880-1950)
Pages 131-159
Curricula for the present and future practice of pharmacy
Pages 001-028
Pharmaceutical care
Pages 029-032
Impart of clinical pharmacy education on pharmacy practice in Malaysia
Pages 033-038
Supramolecular systems in biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology
Pages 039-054
Critical considerations in pharmaceutical bioequivalence testing
Pages 055-080
Bonding mechanisms in tablets
Pages 081-088
New aspects of enantioselective metabolism of drugs
Pages 089-094
Recent developments in antithrombotic therapy
Pages 095-140
Preclinical antitumor activity of a novel olivacine derivative: S 16020-2 (NCS-659687)
Pages 141-150
The past, present and future of traditional medicine in Türkiye
Pages 151-158
Access to pharmaceutical sources via internet
Pages 156-166
Implementation of clinical pharmacy in Turkey
Pages 167-180
Training and continuing in the field of social pharmacy in Bulgaria
Pages 181-190
Study of the professional motivation of the pharmacists in Bulgaria
Pages 191-198
Practical Aspecvts of the control of the deliveries for the pharmacies
Pages 199-204
Study on antibiotic use in Bulgaria
Pages 205-212
Trends in antidiabetic drugs concumption in Bulgaria
Pages 213-221
Pharmacoepidemiology-position and development in Bulgaria
Pages 223-233
Comparison of glycosylated albumin with other glycosylated serum proteins
Pages 235-248
GGT (Gamma-glutamil transferase), glutathione, lipid peroxidation, cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels in the platelets of normal and atherosclerotic subjects
Pages 249-256
Colon cancer specific colon tissue proteins
Pages 257-260
Some studies on collagen in the skin of the guinea pigs
Pages 261-269
Effects of opipramol on hepatic glutathione levls in rats
Pages 271-274
serum TSH, FSH and LH levls in hyperprolactinemic women with menstrual dysfunction
Pages 275-279
Electrophoretic investigation of amniotic fluid proteins
Pages 281-291
The effect of Brassica oleracea var. capitata extract on leucocyte count and percent hematocrite values
Pages 293-296
The fibrinolytic evaluation of some plants growing around İstanbul
Pages 297-300
An investigation on the antimicrobial activity of some Ferulago species
Pages 301-304
Importance of phytochemical screenings studies and researches cerried on in Turkey
Pages 309-324
Relationships between quality of the plant raw materials and biotechnology creation of antibiotics
Pages 325-332
Folk medicinal plants of Trabzon (Turkey)
Pages 333-342
Hypericins in species
Pages 343-350
Phytochemical studies on Platycodon grandiflorum (JACQ) A. Introduced in Bulgaria
Pages 351-355
The dynamics of accumulation of ruscogenin in the roots and the rhizomes of Ruscus aculeatus L
Pages 357-362
Determination of α-amanitin in serum by HPLC in cases of mushroom poisoning
Pages 001-008
Bioactivity determination on Clematis vitalba, Equisetum ramosissimum, Eryngium maritimum, Melisa officinalis subsp. altissima, Typha domingensis
Pages 009-013
Antibacterial and antifungal investigations on Alnus glutinosa subsp. glutinosa and Otanthus maritimus
Pages 015-018
The effect of piroxicam on the biochemical parameters of rats
Pages 019-024
Determination of Piperine in black pepper (Fructus Piperis nigri) samples
Pages 025-032
Spectrofluorometric determination of baclofen in tablets with fluorescamine
Pages 033-038
A short discussion about aflatoxins
Pages 039-044
Amanita species in Turkish macrofungus flora
Pages 045-056
Urinary citrate excretion in patients with urolithiasis
Pages 059-065
Spectrophotometric analysis of ffervescent tablets containing ascorbic acid and acetylsalicylic acid by absorbance ratio method
Pages 067-076
Antibacterial and antifungal effects of Heliotropium hirsutissimum
Pages 077-080
Iridoids and flavonoids from Galium paschale Forsskal
Pages 081-084
Exercise induced asthma and athletes counseling
Pages 085-095
Esad Şerefeddin Köprülü (1866-1942) and his botanical works
Pages 097-115
Alkaloids from Sophora jaubertii Spach
Pages 001-004
Glutathione, glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase levels in human cataractous lenses
Pages 005-012
Synthesis ans antimicrobial screening of 2,3-benzo[“]oxazepine analogs
Pages 013-026
An investigation of hypoglycemia incidences in different age groups
Pages 027-034
A doping method in sports: Blood Transfusion
Pages 035-040
İnvestigation of the effects of gamma irradiation on the blood and plasma viscosity by cone/plate viscometer
Pages 041-048
Sustained release formulations of ciprofloxacin and in vitro release kinetics
Pages 049-056
HYG iyonik diş fırçası
Pages 057-058
Investigation of the prevalance of extended spectrum beta lactamase producing escherichia coli strains isolated from various clinical specimens
Pages 010-012 DOI : 10.12991/201014459
Synthesis and evaluation of antiviral, antitubercular and anticancer activities of some novel thioureas derived from 4-aminobenzohydrazide hydrazones
Pages 013-020 DOI : 10.12991/201014460
A research on vitamin usage habits and factors affecting this habits in istanbul
Pages 021-028 DOI : 10.12991/201014461
Resveratrol supplementation protects against chronic nicotine-induced oxidative damage and organ dysfunction in the rat urogenital system
Pages 029-040 DOI : 10.12991/201014462
Reduction of aromatic and heteroaromatic azo compounds with hydrazine hydrate
Pages 041-046 DOI : 10.12991/201014458
Turkish folk medicinal plants, VIII: Lalapaşa (Edirne)
Pages 047-052 DOI : 10.12991/201014463
The pharmacy practice of community pharmacists in Turkey
Pages 053-060 DOI : 10.12991/201014464
Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis
Pages 061-066 DOI : 10.12991/201014450
Protective effect of erdosteine against naphthalene-induced oxidative stress in rats
Pages 067-073 DOI : 10.12991/201014451
Study of the antibiotic prescription practice for safety purposes for inpatients hospitalized due to pneumonia
Pages 074-078 DOI : 10.12991/201014452
Synthesis of some novel hydrazone derivatives and evaluation of their antituberculosis activity
Pages 079-083 DOI : 10.12991/201014453
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of some 1,2,4-triazoline-3-thione and 2,5-disubstituted- 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives
Pages 084-090 DOI : 10.12991/201014454
Glycyl-L-Histidyl-L-Liysine-Cu(2+) loaded liposome formulations
Pages 091-097 DOI : 10.12991/201014455
GC-MS analysis of fluoxetine and its active metabolite norfluoxetine in human urine
Pages 098-103 DOI : 10.12991/201014456
A linear relationship between lamotrigine and GABA in cerebrospinal fluid
Pages 001-006 DOI : 10.12991/201115437
Detection of vitamin B12 levels with the aid of some hematological and biochemical parameters that are more sensitive
Pages 125-129 DOI : 10.12991/201014447
Animal models of asthma
Pages 104-111 DOI : 10.12991/201014444
Quality control and anticholinesterase activity determinations on Sternbergia sicula
Pages 121-124 DOI : 10.12991/201014446
Turkish folk medicinal plants, IX: Ovacık (Tunceli)
Pages 136-143 DOI : 10.12991/201014449
Hormone of darkness: Melatonin
Pages 112-120 DOI : 10.12991/201014445
The evaluation of the nitroglycerin ointments compounded in community pharmacies in Turkey in terms of active ingredient content and dispensing properties
Pages 130-135 DOI : 10.12991/201014448
Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity of substituted thiourea derivatives
Pages 043-047 DOI : 10.12991/201115430
Quantitative determination of α-tocopherol and quality control studies in Sarcopoterium spinosum L.
Pages 007-010 DOI : 10.12991/201115438
Synthesis and characterization of triazenes derived from sulfonamides
Pages 011-017 DOI : 10.12991/201115439
Antioxidant effects of whey proteins in vitro
Pages 018-024 DOI : 10.12991/201115440
Folk medicinal plants of Silivri (İstanbul, Turkey)
Pages 025-029 DOI : 10.12991/201115441
The pro-oxidant effect of platelet gamma-glutamyltransferase in the presence of iron(III)
Pages 030-037 DOI : 10.12991/201115442
Oxidative alterations during human platelet storage
Pages 038-042 DOI : 10.12991/201115443
Quality control evaluation and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of Galanthus woronowii Losinsk
Pages 048-051 DOI : 10.12991/201115431
Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Sternbergia Waldst. & Kit. Species
Pages 052-057 DOI : 10.12991/201115429
Turkish folk medicinal plants, X: Ürgüp (Nevşehir)
Pages 058-068 DOI : 10.12991/201115432
Serum Ochratoxin A Levels in Geriatric Population
Pages 069-074 DOI : 10.12991/201115433
Evaluation of preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis use in a teaching and research hospital in İstanbul
Pages 075-079 DOI : 10.12991/201115434
Exploration of preliminary phytochemical studies of roots of ficus racemosa
Pages 080-083 DOI : 10.12991/201115435
The effect of centrally and peripherally administered oxytocin on increased anxiety and pain perception in rats with burn injury
Pages 084-088 DOI : 10.12991/201115436
Rational drug use and the role of the pharmacist
Pages 089-093 DOI : 10.12991/201115422
Synthesis and evaluation of cytotoxic activities of some substituted isoxazolone derivatives
Pages 094-099 DOI : 10.12991/201115424
Synthesis and biological evaluation of new sulfonamidoindoles
Pages 100-104 DOI : 10.12991/201115425
Synthesis of some novel Carbazole derivatives and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity
Pages 105-109 DOI : 10.12991/201115426
Drug induced parkinsonism as an adverse drug reaction
Pages 110-117 DOI : 10.12991/201115423
Etanercept protects remote organ damage in a rat model of thermal injury
Pages 118-124 DOI : 10.12991/201115427
Bioequivalence Studies in Healthy Volunteers: Olmesartan Medoxomil
Pages 125-128 DOI : 10.12991/201115428
Pages 001-008 DOI : 10.12991/201216414
Herbal drugs and drug interactions
Pages 009-022 DOI : 10.12991/201216415
Microbiological safety controls of selected hydrosols and their volatile compounds
Pages 023-028 DOI : 10.12991/201216416
The use of electronic information resources by community pharmacists
Pages 029-035 DOI : 10.12991/201216417
Patients' attitude about generics –Bulgarian perspective
Pages 036-040 DOI : 10.12991/201216418
Analgesic prescription pattern in the management of dental pain among dentists in İstanbul
Pages 041-047 DOI : 10.12991/201216419
Synthesis and voltammetric detection of 1H-benzimidazole derivatives on the interaction with DNA
Pages 048-055 DOI : 10.12991/201216420
Synthesis and evaluation of cytotoxic activities of some 1,4-disubstituted thiosemicarbazides, 2,5-disubstituted-1,3,4-thiadiazoles and 1,2,4-triazole-5-thiones derived from benzilic acid hydrazide
Pages 056-063 DOI : 10.12991/201216421
Alzheimer disease and neuroplasticity: New approaches and new targets in pharmacotherapy
Pages 065-076 DOI : 10.12991/201216404
Formulation technologies of orally fast disintegrating tablets
Pages 077-081 DOI : 10.12991/201216405
The importance of drug wastes from the standpoint of environment and human health
Pages 082-090 DOI : 10.12991/201216406
Determination of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs in equine biological samples by chromatographic methods
Pages 091-106 DOI : 10.12991/201216407
Role of acupuncture in stress management
Pages 107-114 DOI : 10.12991/201216408
The importance of “patient-nurse-physician-pharmacist” collaboration on drug administrations
Pages 115-119 DOI : 10.12991/201216409
The synthesis and biological activities of 3-acyl- 2,3-dihydro-1,3,4-oxadiazole/ 3-acyl-1,3,4-oxadiazoline derivatives obtained from hydrazide-hydrazones
Pages 120-133 DOI : 10.12991/201216410
Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of isoxazole derivatives containing 1,2,4-triazole Moiety
Pages 134-140 DOI : 10.12991/201216411
Protective effects of Nigella sativa against hypertension-induced oxidative stress and cardiovascular dysfunction in rats
Pages 141-149 DOI : 10.12991/201216412
Rational drug use awareness of the nurses in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Near East University Hospital
Pages 150-154 DOI : 10.12991/201216413
Evidence based pharmacy practice
Pages 155-158 DOI : 10.12991/201216394
National pharmacovigilance system and current practice in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Pages 159-163 DOI : 10.12991/201216395
Herbal medicines in the pharmacies in Turkey
Pages 164-180 DOI : 10.12991/201216396
Synthesis, characterization and antiviral evaluation of 1,3-Thiazolidine-4-one derivatives bearing L-Valine side chain
Pages 181-193 DOI : 10.12991/201216398
An ethnobotanical study of the useful and edible plants of İzmit
Pages 194-200 DOI : 10.12991/201216398
Comparison of stereochemical structures of cholesterol from different sources by HPLC
Pages 201-205 DOI : 10.12991/201216399
Assessment of the Antibiotics in Out-Patient Prescriptions with a Diagnosis of a Single Infection
Pages 206-212 DOI : 10.12991/201216400
Melatonin protects against acrylamideinduced oxidative tissue damage in rats
Pages 213-221 DOI : 10.12991/201216401
The synthesis and antitubercular activity of substituted hydrazone,2-pyrazoline-5-one and 2-isoxazoline-5-one derivatives possessing 1,3,4-thiadiazole moiety
Pages 222-228 DOI : 10.12991/201216402
Biological evaluation of some triazole and triazolothiadiazine derivatives
Pages 229-234 DOI : 10.12991/201216403
Drug product registration and marketing authorization procedures in EU-A perspective
Pages 001-006 DOI : 10.12991/201317384
Assessment of case management of dyspepsia at community pharmacies in two cities of Pakistan
Pages 007-011 DOI : 10.12991/201317385
Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Tripleurospermum parviflorum (Willd.) Pobed
Pages 012-014 DOI : 10.12991/201317386
Synthesis and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity of some N-substituted-5-chloro-2(3H)- benzoxazolone derivatives
Pages 015-020 DOI : 10.12991/201317387
Ethnobotanical studies in the Maldan Village (Province Manisa, Turkey)
Pages 021-025 DOI : 10.12991/201317388
Microwave assisted synthesis of some novel Flurbiprofen hydrazidehydrazones as anti-HCV NS5B and anticancer agents
Pages 026-034 DOI : 10.12991/201317389
EvaluatIon of toxIcItIes seen In young and older chIldren
Pages 035-041 DOI : 10.12991/201317390
In vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of some Centaurea L. species
Pages 042-045 DOI : 10.12991/201317391
The protective effect of Nigella sativa oil in the brain of the biliary obstructed rats
Pages 046-051 DOI : 10.12991/201317392
The effect of betulinic acid on TNBS-induced experimental colitis
Pages 052-059 DOI : 10.12991/201317393
The new pharmacovigilance legislation and impact on observational studies
Pages 061-064 DOI : 10.12991/201317374
Natural polymers: Best carriers for improving bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs in solid dispersions
Pages 065-072 DOI : 10.12991/201317375
Adverse effects of chemotherapeutics on male reproductive system, and protective strategies
Pages 073-092 DOI : 10.12991/201317376
Main spectrophotometric methods for the determination of total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity
Pages 093-103 DOI : 10.12991/201317377
Researches conducted on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of health professionals and pharmacists
Pages 104-112 DOI : 10.12991/201317378
The role of patient education in adherence to antibiotic therapy in primary care
Pages 113-119 DOI : 10.12991/201317379
Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy
Pages 120-130 DOI : 10.12991/201317380
Design and synthesis of some new heterocyclic benzylidene hydrazide derivatives for their antileishmanial activity
Pages 131-137 DOI : 10.12991/201317381
Etodolac Thiosemicarbazides: A novel class of hepatitis C virus NS5B polymerase inhibitors
Pages 138-146 DOI : 10.12991/201317382
Synthesis and chemotherapeutic activities of 5-chloro-1H-indole-2,3-dione 3-thiosemicarbazones
Pages 147-154 DOI : 10.12991/201317383
Assessing of public awareness concerning unused medicines in households: a pilot study
Pages 155-159 DOI : 10.12991/2013171308
An approach to the intelligent drug delivery systems: Thermo-responsive membrane for pulsatile drug delivery
Pages 160-164 DOI : 10.12991/2013171309
Comparative bone uptake study of alendronate sodium from vaginal suppositories prepared with polyethylene glycol and massa estarinum bases
Pages 165-169 DOI : 10.12991/2013171310
Foam fractionation in recovery of captopril
Pages 170-174 DOI : 10.12991/2013171311
The evaluation of prescription dispensing scores of the pharmacy students before and after the problem-based “rational drug use” course: Results of the two years' experience
Pages 175-180 DOI : 10.12991/2013171312
Development of a New and Efficient Synthesis Method of 1,2,4-Triazole-5- Thione Derivatives
Pages 181-186 DOI : 10.12991/2013171313
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some pyrazoline derivatives bearing amide moiety
Pages 187-192 DOI : 10.12991/2013171314
Evaluation of Anti-Diarrhoeal Activity of the Leaves Extract of Ficus Microcarpa L. (Moraceae)
Pages 135-138 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187240
Pharmacoeconomics education and the knowledge levels of pharmacy students a in schools of pharmacy
Pages 005-012 DOI : 10.12991/201414120
The effects of bitter almond oil on some biochemical parameters in serum and erythrocytes of streptozotocin-induced Type-1 diabetic rats
Pages 013-021 DOI : 10.12991/201414121
In vitro investigation of the effects of colistin alone with and tigecycline, imipenem and rifampicin combinations on polymorphonuclear leukocyte functions, oxidative stress, oxidant and antioxidant enzymes in patients with bronchiectasis
Pages 026-035 DOI : 10.12991/201414123
Preparation, characterization and biological evaluation of chitosanmoxifloxacin prodrugs for pharmaceuticals
Pages 036-042 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201414124
The effect of pharmacy information management system on safety medication use: A study from private hospitals in İstanbul
Pages 001-004 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201414119
Traditional and Alternative Methods For the Evaluation of Eye Irritation Potential of Cosmetic Products
Pages 195-206 DOI : 10.12991/marupj.277721
Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic activities of Sambucus ebulus L. flowers, fruits and leaves
Pages 022-025 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201414122
Investigation of the protective effect of Cinnamomum cassia bark extract against H2O2-induced oxidative DNA damage in human peripheral blood lymphocytes and antioxidant activity
Pages 043-048 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201414125
Tadalafil attenuates spinal cord injury induced oxidative organ damage in rats
Pages 049-055 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186119
The effect of silymarin on the liver in thermal burn injury
Pages 056-061 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186120
The Evaluation of Salivary Thromboplastic Activity of An Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Case During Treatment
Pages 062-065 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186121
Regular swimming exercise performed either before or after the induction of renovascular hypertension alleviates oxidative renal injury in rats
Pages 066-072 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186122
Opinion of Pharmacists Towards Accessibility of Physically Disabled People to Pharmacy
Pages 073-078 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186123
Türkiye"nin ilk sanal herbaryumu IZEF örneği ve sanal herbaryumların bitkisel ilaç hammaddesi araştırmaları açısından önemi
Pages 079-084 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186124
Pages 085-100 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186125
A Preliminary Study on the Use of Ultrasound for Obtaining Pulsatile Release
Pages 101-108 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187236
Synthesis, QSAR and docking studies of 5HT2A receptor antagonising thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidines as antipsychotic agents
Pages 109-119 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187237
Synthesis and larvicidal and adult topical activity of some hydrazidehydrazone derivatives against Aedes aegypti
Pages 120-125 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187238
In Vitro Investigation of The Effects of Some Antibiotics on Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Functions and Oxidative Stress in Hemodialysis Patients
Pages 139-146 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187241
Effect of Honey Supplementation on Total Antioxidant Capacity of Herbal Teas
Pages 147-152 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187242
Attitude and Knowledge of Hospitalized Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Towards Disposable Insulin Pens Utilization
Pages 159-163 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187244
Direct to consumer drug advertisments and patient rights: A qualitative research
Pages 164-176 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187245
Identification of Indigoid Dyes Found in Rapana venosa by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode-array Dedection
Pages 177-181 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187246
Wound Healing and Oxidative Stress
Pages 153-158 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187243
Protective and Therapeutic Effects of Polygonum cognatum Meissn Aqueous Extract in Experimental Colitis
Pages 126-134 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187239
Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for quality control of oxantel pamoate, pyrantel pamoat and praziquantel in tablets
Pages 027-035 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198607
Yeditepe University Faculty of Pharmacy Students Smoking Habits: Qualitative and Quantitative Approach
Pages 036-042 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198608
Investigation of the effect of silymarin on the liver in experimental sepsis
Pages 052-059 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198610
Quality By Design: QbD and Quality Risk Management
Pages 012-018 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198605
The effect of oxytocin on the urinary bladder in male rats exposed to water avoidance stress: Light and electron microscopic investigation
Pages 019-026 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198606
Plants Traditonally Used for Asthma in Turkey
Pages 001-011 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198604
Candida albicans effects the tissue factor activity of blood cells in Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Pages 060-066 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198611
Mechanical evaluation of matrix type transdermal therapeutic systems containing captopril
Pages 067-072 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198612
Synthesis, characterization and antiproliferative activities of novel modified poly (maleic anhydride-co-vinyl acetate)/cytosine β-Darabinofuranoside hydrochloride conjugate
Pages 073-081 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198613
Antioxidant, antimicrobial activities and total flavonoid contents of Cirsium bulgaricum DC. leaf extracts
Pages 043-051 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198609
The interference of piperidinopropionaphthone hydrochloride in mammalian type I and type II DNA topoisomerase reactions
Pages 082-087 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015199638
Derivatization of Some Maleic Anhydride Containing Copolymers with Amine Functionalized Pharmaceutical Active Substances, Structural Characterizations and Biological Activities
Pages 121-125 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151910458
The History of Leadership and The Importance of Leadership in the Turkish Pharmaceutical Industry
Pages 109-115 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015199641
Development and validation of an HPLC method for determination of nateglinide in drug substances
Pages 103-108 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015199640
Synthesis and biological evaluation of some new 1,3,4-thiadiazole and 1,2,4-triazole derivatives from L-methionine as antituberculosis and antiviral agents
Pages 088-102 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015199639
Investigation of Molluscan Indigoid Dyes-Metal Interaction with Spectrophotometric Method
Pages 116-120 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015199642
Wild Edible Plants of Pertek (Tunceli-Turkey)
Pages 126-135 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151910459
Evaluation of Antioxidant activities of Brassica napus"s seeds by CUPRAC, ABTS/Persulphate and DMPD methods
Pages 153-158 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151910462
Factors Affecting Professional Preferences of First Year Students at Ege University"s Faculty of Pharmacy
Pages 159-167 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151910463
Determination of heavy metals in herbal teas marketed in İstanbul
Pages 136-140 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151910460
Preformulation Studies of Transdermal Therapeutic Systems Containing Betahistine
Pages 168-173 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151910464
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) as a paradigm for predicting antiviral activity against Ebola virus (EBOV)
Pages 141-152 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151910461
A Study about the Leadership Approaches of the Turkish Drug Companies" Managers
Pages 174-180 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151935489
The Determination of The Acidity Constants and The Stability Constants of Flavokermesic Acid Complexes with Tin(II) and Aluminium(III) Ions by Potentiometric Method
Pages 186-191 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151991233
Quantitative Determination of The Heavy Metals (Lead, Zinc And Manganese) in White Cheese Produced in Ergene Basin by Using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Pages 181-185 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151974681
Analysis of Vocational Training Programmes in The Turkish Pharmacısts" Association Pharmacy Academy From Continuing Professional Development Perspective
Pages 222-231 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151966656
The Role of Communication on Pharmacy
Pages 200-207 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151916765
Applications of carbon nanotubes for determination of inorganic and organic species in biological and clinical samples
Pages 192-199 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151924017
A Smart Oro-Soft Palate Mucosal Drug Delivery: Credentials and Future Trends
Pages 208-221 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151930308
Brand Personalıty in Independent Pharmacies
Pages 238-245 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015190369214
Blood, hair, urine and breath samples for the analysis of drugs of abuse
Pages 232-237 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151900817
Toxic Effects of Xenobiotics on DNA and Toxicogenetics
Pages 246-251 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151927137
Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Some Novel Tolmetin Thiosemicarbazides
Pages 259-267 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201519328306
mTOR Inhibitors in the Treatment of Cancer
Pages 290-297 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201519394607
Biosimilar products: Definitions and registration process
Pages 252-258 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20151970579
An Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants in Bayramiç (Çanakkale- Turkey)
Pages 268-282 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201519392830
Evaluation of Pharmacy Manager"s Knowledge and Attitude on Extemporaneous Preparation
Pages 283-289 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201519399879
Transdermal delivery of ethosomes as a novel vesicular carrier for paroxetine hydrochloride: In vitro evaluation and In vivo study
Pages 001-006 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201620113534
Pyhtocosmetics in Pharmacy
Pages 007-020 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201620774965
Potential problems of biosimilars in clinical practice
Pages 044-051 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20164450877
Wild Edible Plants of Southern Part of Nevşehir in Turkey
Pages 034-043 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20163435871
Synthesis and cholinesterase inhibitory activity of some phenylacetamide derivatives bearing 1H-pyrazole or 1H-1,2,4-triazole
Pages 021-027 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2016202105828
Bioterrorism and Pharmacy Services
Pages 190-194 DOI : 10.12991/marupj.300264
Association between multidrug-resistance associated protein 1 (MRP1) G1666A gene polymorphism and urinary arsenic levels
Pages 028-033 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2016202877554
Gebelikte non-steroidal antiinflamatuvar ilaçların kullanımının değerlendirilmesi
Pages 064-071 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162059818
Examination and evaluation of pharmaceutical designed and made patent applications for gene therapy
Pages 052-063 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162092530
In situ production of cationic lipid coated magnetic nanoparticles in multiple emulsions for gene delivery
Pages 072-078 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162069254
Distribution of Sickle Cell Anemia in Turkey, Pathophysiology and Iron Toxicity
Pages 092-099 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201620227342
Development and Validation of an Hplc Method for Voriconazole Active Substance in Bulk and its Pharmaceutical Formulationand validation of an HPLC method for voriconazole active substance in bulk and its pharmaceutical formulation
Pages 079-085 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162076793
A comparison study of anti food allergy of plane tree leaves extract with the chemical drug therapy in affected dogs
Pages 086-091 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162085639
Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of some 2-(4-aminophenyl)- 5-substituted amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives and their coupling products
Pages 199-206 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162013533
Occupational Problems of Public Hospital Pharmacists
Pages 191-198 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162037389
Characterization of Chrysophyllum albidum and Anacardium occidentale gums as wet and dry binders in ciprofloxacin tablets
Pages 122-130 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162036047
Gastroretentive floating tablets: An investigation of excipients effect on tablet properties
Pages 100-110 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162018166
Antioxidant properties and enzyme inhibitory effects of extracts from Mandragora autumnalis and its fatty acid composition
Pages 144-151 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201620206523
Essential Oil Compositions and Antimicrobial Activity of Piper arborescens Roxb.
Pages 111-115 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162071871
Preliminary investigations of in vitro antioxidant, antityrosinase, acetylcholinesterase and anti-inflammatory activities of Actinodaphne species
Pages 137-143 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162048388
Radioactive Permeability Studies of Doxycycline Hyclate from Microemulsion and Solution
Pages 116-121 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201620065652
Vitamin U ameliorates glycoprotein components, enzyme and tissue factor activities of amiodarone toxicity in liver
Pages 131-136 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162062716
Genotype and Allele Frequencies of -2841A>T Polymorphism in Glucose Transporter 1 gene in Turkish Population
Pages 152-156 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162067368
A New Staining Method for Hand-Cut in Plant Anatomy Studies
Pages 184-190 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162044231
Plants used in traditional treatment against anemia in Turkey
Pages 164-171 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162044391
Development and statistical optimization of sustained release gastro retentive floating tablets of Cephalexin
Pages 172-183 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162070534
Antiproliferative activity of some tautomeric hydrazones derived from chalcones
Pages 157-163 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162093956
Synthesis and antiviral activity evaluation of some new cyclohexylidenehydrazide derivatives of 1,3-thiazole core
Pages 207-2015 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162019913
Comparative study of biological activities of extracts from three Malaysian Beilschmiedia species
Pages 224-231 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162009162
Screening for antioxidant and antimutagenic properties of extracts from Centaurea pterocaula as well as their enzyme inhibitory potentials
Pages 232-242 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162094922
A New Insight Into Metformin Action: Diabetes, Prostate Cancer, and Ion Channels
Pages 216-223 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162014802
Edaravone ameliorates valproate-induced gingival toxicity by reducing oxidative-stress, inflammation and tissue damage
Pages 232-240 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162096267
Current therapeutic approaches to diabetic neuropathy
Pages 252-262 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162041551
In vitro PDGF-B gene silencing studies and In vivo delivery of siRNA to the rat kidney using Chitosan/siRNA nanoplexes
Pages 263-268 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162082721
Ethnomedicinal survey of plants used in the treatment of female ınfertility in Chanchaga Local Government Area in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
Pages 269-274 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162064109
Compared effects of azole antifungals on cytokine production of THP-1 cells activated by Candida albicans
Pages 288-292 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162008960
The Centrally-Mediated Mechanisms of Action of Ferulic Acid–Induced Antinociception
Pages 303-310 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162028573
Controlled Porosity Osmotic Tablet of Atenolol: In-Vitro and In-Vivo Evaluation
Pages 325-332 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162040694
A validated spectrophotometric method for determination of formoterol fumarate dihydrate in bulk and dosage form using methyl orange as ion pair reagent
Pages 275-279 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162030844
Determination of Darunavir and Cobicistat Simultaneously Using Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method
Pages 293-302 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162036176
Development and in-vitro Evaluation of Reconstitutable Suspension of Flucloxacillin
Pages 280-287 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162082023
Are Community Pharmacists and Nutritionists capable for Obesity Management in Pakistan? A Cross-sectional Study
Pages 368-379 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162063058
Natural two Taraxacum species effective against frameshift and base pair substitution mutations: mutagenic, antimutagenic and antioxidant evaluation
Pages 311-319 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162068040
Determination of total phenolic and flavonoid content, mineral composition and free radical scavenging activity of Trigonella plicata
Pages 341-345 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162084302
Simultaneous Quantification Simultaneous Quantification of Galanthamine and Lycorine in Galanthus fosteri by HPLC-DADf Galanthamine and Lycorine in Galanthus fosteri by HPLC-DAD
Pages 320-324 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201620053936
Investigation on Binding Properties of Grewia Asiatica Mucilage in Tablet Formulations
Pages 353-367 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162032588
The Behavior Models of Staff Working in Community Pharmacies
Pages 333-340 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162084824
The Importance of Irp as Regulators of Iron Metabolism in β Thalassemia Patients
Pages 346-352 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162098496
Multilayered Tablet Technology, Manufacturing Process, Evaluation and its Application Areas
Pages 380-389 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162051361
Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of the Genus Licaria (Lauraceae)
Pages 390-400 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162024853
The Determination of the Stability Constant of Finasteride Complexes with Various Metals by Potentiometric and Spectrophotometric Methods
Pages 408-414 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.34400
Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities From the Leaves of Beilschmiedia Glabra Kosterm (Lauraceae)
Pages 401-407 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162079371
Quality by Design (QbD) Approach for Optimization of Microemulsion based Topical Gel
Pages 415-424 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.20162084614
Investigation of Effect of Acetamiprid and d-Tubocurarine on Frog Nerve Tissue (I: Oxidative Potential)
Pages 149-155 DOI : 10.12991/marupj.259892
The Effects to GM-CSF Expression and Fibroblast Proliferation of pGMCSF Containing Chitosan/PVP Hydrogels
Pages 228-234 DOI : 10.12991/marupj.278854
Pages 001-009 DOI : 10.12991/201014457
Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
The total synthesis of 2/’,3/’-dihydro-2/’-hydroxyisopropyl-3/’methoxyfurano coumarin (VII).
Pages 001-005
The cobalt complexes of 3,4-diaminobenzenesulfonic acid
Pages 007-024
Atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of lead in blood
Pages 025-033
The investigation of lead exposure in storage battery factories
Pages 035-049
Determination of procainamide hydrochloride and some dosage forms with 9-chloroacridine by quenching fluorometry
Pages 051-057
Reductive cleavage of azo compounds with hydrazine hydrate and some new 1, 3, 4-thiadiazole derivatives
Pages 059-068
Çiriş plants of Turkey (I)
Pages 069-089
The genus Eremurus (Liliaceae) in Turkey
Pages 091-100
Vernacular uses of plants in Turkey (I)
Pages 101-106
Nabilone: Cannabinoid with antiemetic activity
Pages 107-110
Polimerlerin farmasötik teknolojideki yeri
Pages 111-122
Chromosome numbers of some Asphodeline species
Pages 113-117
The genus Anthericum (Liliaceae) in Turkey
Pages 119-124
Effects of 60Co γ-rays on 5-fluorocil.
Pages 125-132
Electrophoretic origin determination in food analysis.III. Disc electrophoresis of the water-soluble proteins of some hard and soft wheat varieties.
Pages 133-137
Fluorodensitometric determination of metoprolol tartrate after derivatization with NBD-chloride
Pages 139-144
Exterior and interior morphological studies on the Turkish endemic Centaurea derderiifolia Wagenitz and Centaurea saligna (C.Koch) wagenitz 1
Pages 145-156
Phytochemical investigation of Daphne pontica L
Pages 157-160
Activated charcoal: an effective antidote used in intoxications
Pages 161-168
Importance of flavonoids in pharmacy
Pages 169-183
Biology of lichens and utilizing
Pages 185-194
Herbal medicine in America
Pages 195-196
Exterior and interior morphological studies on the Turkish endemic Centaurea derderiifolia Wagenitz and Centaurea saligna (C.Koch) Wagenitz 2
Pages 001-017
Çiriş plants of Turkey (II): Morphological comparisons on the genera Asphodeline, Asphodelus, Eremurus and Anthericum
Pages 019-026
The effect of various physiological factors on the carboxymethyl cellulase synthetase of cellulomonas cellulasea
Pages 027-033
The potentiometric investigation of 4,4’-diaminocarbanilide-copper (II) complex
Pages 034-047
An evaluation of some alkaloids of Papaver somniferium
Pages 049-052
Constituents of Salvia albimaculata II
Pages 053-055
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Cynoglossum montanum
Pages 057-060
The investigation of methemoglobin formation during chemistry laboratory studies
Pages 061-067
Phytochemical investigation of Daphne pontica L. II
Pages 069-070
Phytochemical investigation of Daphne oleoides Schreb. subsp. oleoides
Pages 071-073
Thermodynamic constants of the adducts formed with antazoline and nickel (II) diethyldithiophosphate [Ni (dtp)2]
Pages 075-083
High-pressure liquid chromatographic assay of mephenoxalone
Pages 085-089
The place of Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach. (Rosaceae) in pharmacognosy
Pages 091-097
Spectrophotometric determination of mixtures
Pages 099-112
Pollen Allergy
Pages 113-117
The effect of insuline on human platelet activation
Pages 001-009
Molecular subcloning and DNA sequenching of fragment E of α-subunit of fatty acid synthetase gene in saccharomyces cerevisiae
Pages 011-022
Use of preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations
Pages 023-033
Percutaneous absorbtion: an overview of the biological mechanism
Pages 035-044
Pharmacognostic researches on Thymus capitatus (L.) hoffm. et Link
Pages 045-052
The assay of some sedative drugs by high pressure liquid chromatography
Pages 053-061
Determination of some analgesic drugs by high pressure liquid chromatography
Pages 063-069
Chromosomes of Helleborus grown in Turkey
Pages 071-074
Studies on the anatomy of fruits of pepper (Piper nigrum L.) and false pepper (Schinus molle L.)
Pages 075-088
Spectrophotometric determination of some local anesthetics
Pages 089-096
The natural sources having antidiabetic activity
Pages 097-112
The Turkish vernacular names of Isatis L. species and their usages
Pages 001-005
Studies on formulation, pilot manufacturing and controlled release of micropellets containing antazoline
Pages 007-018
The formation and stability of 3,4-diaminobenzenesulfonic acid -iron (III) complex
Pages 019-030
A study on the solid state stability of amoxycillin sodium
Pages 031-041
Fluorodensitometric determination of capsaicinas its dansyl derivative
Pages 043-051
The formation and stability of 3,4-diaminobenzenesulfonic acid -nickel (II) and manganese (II) complex
Pages 053-063
Spectrophotometric assay of nomifensine hydrogenmaleate using metol-chromium (VI) reagent
Pages 065-069
Spectrophotometric determination of procainamide hydrochloride in tablets with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
Pages 071-075
A spectrophotometric determination of nomifensine hydrogenmaleate using p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
Pages 077-082
The determination of procainamide hydrochloride in tablets by HPLC
Pages 083-087
Terpenoids and a flavone from Marrubium parviflorum
Pages 089-091
Flavonoids from Verbascum cheiranthifolium Boiss
Pages 093-097
Isolation of the point mutation of the enoyl reductase-minus mutant (FAS I-246), in Saccharomyces cerevisae
Pages 099-105
The thin layer chromatographic analysis of some basic drugs and the investigation of the influence of the biological matrix on the analysis
Pages 107-114
Determination of ascorbic acid in various vegetables and fruits by polarographic method
Pages 115-121
The determination of procain hydrochlorid in enjectable preparations by HPLC
Pages 123-130
The thin layer chromatographic analysis of some acidic and neutral drugs and the investigation of the influence of the biological matrix on the analysis
Pages 131-137
Spectrophotometric determination of maprotiline hydrochloride with 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethan
Pages 139-143
Gas chromatographic analysis on Turkish Origanum oils
Pages 145-149
The formation and stability of 2-aminophenol-4-sulfonic acid-copper (II) complex
Pages 151-158
The effects of the UV-C radiation on Balb/c mice plasma proteins
Pages 159-162
A new synthesis of 2-benzimidazolinone
Pages 163-164
The determination of methods of p-aminobenzoic acid derivates
Pages 165-168
The 10th Anniversary of the Pharmacy Faculty of Marmara University 1979-1989
Pages 162-192
Determination of the pollen morphology and allergen Gramineae pollens in air at Nişantaşı
Pages 001-015
Capsule formulations containing solvent deposited acetazolamide systems
Pages 017-024
Electrophoretic origin determination in food analysisV. Examination of polyacriylamide gel (pag)-disc electrophoresis of the aqueous ethanol-soluble proteins (gliadin) of some hard wheat varieties and macoroni samples
Pages 025-030
The isolation of hydrochlorides of symmetrical diaminocarbanilides and the determination of their acid constants
Pages 031-039
Synthesis and spectrophotometric analysis of some new azo-pyrazole substitued 1,2,4-triazole-5-thiones
Pages 041-047
The effect of defibrotide on plasma proteins of Balb/c mice
Pages 049-056
Investigation of the effect of defibrotide on plasma proteins of atherosclerotic subjects by polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis
Pages 057-062
Investigations of some point mutations in beta thalassemia patients by gene amplification and synthetic oligonucleotide probe hybridization methods
Pages 063-078
Chemical investigation of the marine red alga Laurencia obtusa
Pages 081-089
Simultaneous determination of paracetamol and mephenoxalone by third derivative UV spectrophotometry
Pages 091-097
Autocrine effect of transforming growth factor-alpha in human prostate cancer cells
Pages 099-115
On the license of an Ottoman Pharmaceutical Product
Pages 117-121
Spectrophotometric determination of baclofen in tablets with 1,2-naphtoquinone-4-sulphonic acid sodium salt
Pages 001-007
Synthesis and characterization of some N-[2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl] substituted benzamide derivatives
Pages 009-023
Synthesis and characterization of some new 2,4,6-trisubstituted N,N-dibenzylanilines
Pages 025-032
High pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of some sedative-hypnotic antiepileptic and analeptic drugs with RP-CN-column
Pages 033-038
Synthesis and characterization of the coupling products of some diazonium salts with acetylacetone
Pages 039-049
The fromation and stability of 3,3’-diaminocarbanilid-copper (II) complex
Pages 051-061
Spectrophotometric determination of atenolol by ion-pair extraction technique
Pages 063-068
Determination of ethylene oxide residues in plastic medical devices manufactured in Turkey
Pages 069-076
Kidney alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase and creatinine kinase activities of rat administered nitrosomorpholine
Pages 077-081
pharmacognostic investigations on Brassica oleracea var. capitata
Pages 083-088
Analysis of acetaminophen and Phenobarbital combinations by nonaqueous titration
Pages 089-093
The purification of prothrombin from bovine plasma and its evaluation with HPLC
Pages 095-105
Synthesis and characterization of some arylhydrozones of p-(benzoylamino) benzoic acid hydrazide
Pages 107-111
The rana ridibunda skin secretion: Its antifungal effect on morphology and on DNA synthesis of the normal embriyonic fibroblast cells and chemically induced tumor cells of rattus norvegicus in culture and its purification
Pages 113-144
The formation and stability of 2,2’-diaminocarbanilid-copper (II) complex
Pages 145-159
Some analytical applications of Cu 2+ -selective liquid membrane electrode
Pages 001-005
In vitro inactivation of theestradiol receptor by a lysosome-enriched fraction from pig uterus
Pages 007-011
Bioavailability of co-trimoxazole oral suspensions
Pages 013-021
The determination of stability constants of N-salicylidene-L-cysteine iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc complexes by potentiometric methos
Pages 023-034
The determination of stability constants of L-glutamic acid gold (III) and mercury (II) complexes by potentiometric method
Pages 035-046
Determination of the rate coefficient of KI-K2S2O8 reaction by differential absorbance measuring method
Pages 047-057
Polarographic determination of flavanoids (II)
Pages 059-064
The textbook of pharmaceutical botany published at İstanbul between 1839-1960
Pages 065-084
Differential spectrophotometry in chemical kinetics: Determination of the pseudo-first-order rate coefficient of methyl salicylate hydrolysis
Pages 085-095
The amount of aflatoxin in different feedstuffs in Turkey
Pages 097-102
The determination of stability constants of N-salicylidene-L-asparagine chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc complexes by potentiometric method
Pages 103-115
The investigation on the antibacterial and antifungal effects of some volatile oils
Pages 117-128
The development of the exportation of Turkish medicinal plants
Pages 129-134
Synthesis, characterization and chromatographic studies on some new substituted α, N-diarylnitrones
Pages 135-143
The analyses and the essays made in the laboratories of the civil medical school in 1870
Pages 145-159
Investigation about subclass of type II IgG which is able to bind estradiol receptor
Pages 001-010
The investigation about the binding responcible site of the subclasses type II IgG-IgG1 which bind non specific estradiol receptor
Pages 011-024
partial purification and antibacterial effects of Brassica oleracea var. acephala extract and investigations of its effects on the plasma proteins of mus musculus Balb/c mice
Pages 025-036
The effects of N-nitrosomorpholine on rat kidney lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase activities
Pages 037-041
The microflora of some spices as paprika (Capsicum annuum), black pepper (Piper nigrum) which are sold in markets of İstanbul
Pages 043-057
The investigation of allergic mould contaminants on baby powders
Pages 059-066
Nasal drug delivery systems: an overview of nasal drug absorbtion
Pages 067-080
Immunoassays and time - resolved fluorometry
Pages 081-091
Antifungal prophylaxis in bone marrow transplantation
Pages 093-101
The nonspecific binding of immunoglobulin to estradiol receptor and its possibility in different species
Pages 103-114
Investigation of the effect of defibrotide on plasma proteins of atheroschlerotic subjects by isocratic HPLC
Pages 115-120
Morphological observations on the effect of pyrroloquinoline quinine (PQQ) on mouse kidney, liver and testes
Pages 121-131
The level of G proteins in control and differentiated K562 cells
Pages 133-139
Microbial investigation in non-sterile pharmaceutical and cosmetic products I. The detection of mycotic contamination in eye cosmetic
Pages 141-155
Determination of hormones by immunoassays and time-resolved fluorescence
Pages 157-163
Techniques in in vitro oxidative microsomal phase I drug metabolism
Pages 165-185
Fungal infections I the immunocomprimised patients and new approaches in antifungal chemotherapy
Pages 187-197
The smiltaneous determination of ascorbic acid and rutin by first-derivative UV spectrophotometry
Pages 001-009
Synthesis of some substituted 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives
Pages 011-016
Synthesis and characterization of some thiourea derivatives from 1,2,4-triazoline-3-thiones
Pages 017-025
Polarographic studies on the Cu(II) complex of SALH2.NaNO3.H2O* (I): determination of the standard free energy of activation and the integral heat of solution
Pages 027-033
Hemoglobin A1C in the newborn
Pages 035-037
Studies on the contact dermatitic properties of Pakistani Medicinal Plants. Part VI. Dermal irritating properties of Lavandula stoechas L
Pages 039-049
The scientific activities of Ord. Prof. dr. Alfred Heilbronn (1885-1961) at the University of İstanbul
Pages 051-066
Microbial investigations in non-strerile pharmaceutical and cosmetic products II. The detection of mycotic contamination in shampoos
Pages 067-081
Evaluation of the effects of gamma irradiation on the blood parameters and relative plasma viscosity
Pages 083-088
Bacteriological, mycological and parasitological examination of some fruit juices (Lemonade and orange juices) sold in İstanbul markets during summer months
Pages 089-104
Determination of the dissociation constants of AgCl and Ag2SO4 in organic solvent-water mixtures
Pages 105-113
clinical and Laboratory data in Pediatric kidney diseases
Pages 115-120
The importance of specific proteinuria (N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, beta-2 microglobulin, microalbumine)
Pages 121-130
Analytical chemistry in education of pharmacy and professor Ömer Şevket Öncel (1880-1950)
Pages 131-159
Curricula for the present and future practice of pharmacy
Pages 001-028
Pharmaceutical care
Pages 029-032
Impart of clinical pharmacy education on pharmacy practice in Malaysia
Pages 033-038
Supramolecular systems in biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology
Pages 039-054
Critical considerations in pharmaceutical bioequivalence testing
Pages 055-080
Bonding mechanisms in tablets
Pages 081-088
New aspects of enantioselective metabolism of drugs
Pages 089-094
Recent developments in antithrombotic therapy
Pages 095-140
Preclinical antitumor activity of a novel olivacine derivative: S 16020-2 (NCS-659687)
Pages 141-150
The past, present and future of traditional medicine in Türkiye
Pages 151-158
Access to pharmaceutical sources via internet
Pages 156-166
Implementation of clinical pharmacy in Turkey
Pages 167-180
Training and continuing in the field of social pharmacy in Bulgaria
Pages 181-190
Study of the professional motivation of the pharmacists in Bulgaria
Pages 191-198
Practical Aspecvts of the control of the deliveries for the pharmacies
Pages 199-204
Study on antibiotic use in Bulgaria
Pages 205-212
Trends in antidiabetic drugs concumption in Bulgaria
Pages 213-221
Pharmacoepidemiology-position and development in Bulgaria
Pages 223-233
Comparison of glycosylated albumin with other glycosylated serum proteins
Pages 235-248
GGT (Gamma-glutamil transferase), glutathione, lipid peroxidation, cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels in the platelets of normal and atherosclerotic subjects
Pages 249-256
Colon cancer specific colon tissue proteins
Pages 257-260
Some studies on collagen in the skin of the guinea pigs
Pages 261-269
Effects of opipramol on hepatic glutathione levls in rats
Pages 271-274
serum TSH, FSH and LH levls in hyperprolactinemic women with menstrual dysfunction
Pages 275-279
Electrophoretic investigation of amniotic fluid proteins
Pages 281-291
The effect of Brassica oleracea var. capitata extract on leucocyte count and percent hematocrite values
Pages 293-296
The fibrinolytic evaluation of some plants growing around İstanbul
Pages 297-300
An investigation on the antimicrobial activity of some Ferulago species
Pages 301-304
Importance of phytochemical screenings studies and researches cerried on in Turkey
Pages 309-324
Relationships between quality of the plant raw materials and biotechnology creation of antibiotics
Pages 325-332
Folk medicinal plants of Trabzon (Turkey)
Pages 333-342
Hypericins in species
Pages 343-350
Phytochemical studies on Platycodon grandiflorum (JACQ) A. Introduced in Bulgaria
Pages 351-355
The dynamics of accumulation of ruscogenin in the roots and the rhizomes of Ruscus aculeatus L
Pages 357-362
Determination of α-amanitin in serum by HPLC in cases of mushroom poisoning
Pages 001-008
Bioactivity determination on Clematis vitalba, Equisetum ramosissimum, Eryngium maritimum, Melisa officinalis subsp. altissima, Typha domingensis
Pages 009-013
Antibacterial and antifungal investigations on Alnus glutinosa subsp. glutinosa and Otanthus maritimus
Pages 015-018
The effect of piroxicam on the biochemical parameters of rats
Pages 019-024
Determination of Piperine in black pepper (Fructus Piperis nigri) samples
Pages 025-032
Spectrofluorometric determination of baclofen in tablets with fluorescamine
Pages 033-038
A short discussion about aflatoxins
Pages 039-044
Amanita species in Turkish macrofungus flora
Pages 045-056
Urinary citrate excretion in patients with urolithiasis
Pages 059-065
Spectrophotometric analysis of ffervescent tablets containing ascorbic acid and acetylsalicylic acid by absorbance ratio method
Pages 067-076
Antibacterial and antifungal effects of Heliotropium hirsutissimum
Pages 077-080
Iridoids and flavonoids from Galium paschale Forsskal
Pages 081-084
Exercise induced asthma and athletes counseling
Pages 085-095
Esad Şerefeddin Köprülü (1866-1942) and his botanical works
Pages 097-115
Alkaloids from Sophora jaubertii Spach
Pages 001-004
Glutathione, glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase levels in human cataractous lenses
Pages 005-012
Synthesis ans antimicrobial screening of 2,3-benzo[“]oxazepine analogs
Pages 013-026
An investigation of hypoglycemia incidences in different age groups
Pages 027-034
A doping method in sports: Blood Transfusion
Pages 035-040
İnvestigation of the effects of gamma irradiation on the blood and plasma viscosity by cone/plate viscometer
Pages 041-048
Sustained release formulations of ciprofloxacin and in vitro release kinetics
Pages 049-056
HYG iyonik diş fırçası
Pages 057-058
Investigation of the prevalance of extended spectrum beta lactamase producing escherichia coli strains isolated from various clinical specimens
Pages 010-012 DOI : 10.12991/201014459
Synthesis and evaluation of antiviral, antitubercular and anticancer activities of some novel thioureas derived from 4-aminobenzohydrazide hydrazones
Pages 013-020 DOI : 10.12991/201014460
A research on vitamin usage habits and factors affecting this habits in istanbul
Pages 021-028 DOI : 10.12991/201014461
Resveratrol supplementation protects against chronic nicotine-induced oxidative damage and organ dysfunction in the rat urogenital system
Pages 029-040 DOI : 10.12991/201014462
Reduction of aromatic and heteroaromatic azo compounds with hydrazine hydrate
Pages 041-046 DOI : 10.12991/201014458
Turkish folk medicinal plants, VIII: Lalapaşa (Edirne)
Pages 047-052 DOI : 10.12991/201014463
The pharmacy practice of community pharmacists in Turkey
Pages 053-060 DOI : 10.12991/201014464
Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis
Pages 061-066 DOI : 10.12991/201014450
Protective effect of erdosteine against naphthalene-induced oxidative stress in rats
Pages 067-073 DOI : 10.12991/201014451
Study of the antibiotic prescription practice for safety purposes for inpatients hospitalized due to pneumonia
Pages 074-078 DOI : 10.12991/201014452
Synthesis of some novel hydrazone derivatives and evaluation of their antituberculosis activity
Pages 079-083 DOI : 10.12991/201014453
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of some 1,2,4-triazoline-3-thione and 2,5-disubstituted- 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives
Pages 084-090 DOI : 10.12991/201014454
Glycyl-L-Histidyl-L-Liysine-Cu(2+) loaded liposome formulations
Pages 091-097 DOI : 10.12991/201014455
GC-MS analysis of fluoxetine and its active metabolite norfluoxetine in human urine
Pages 098-103 DOI : 10.12991/201014456
A linear relationship between lamotrigine and GABA in cerebrospinal fluid
Pages 001-006 DOI : 10.12991/201115437
Detection of vitamin B12 levels with the aid of some hematological and biochemical parameters that are more sensitive
Pages 125-129 DOI : 10.12991/201014447
Animal models of asthma
Pages 104-111 DOI : 10.12991/201014444
Quality control and anticholinesterase activity determinations on Sternbergia sicula
Pages 121-124 DOI : 10.12991/201014446
Turkish folk medicinal plants, IX: Ovacık (Tunceli)
Pages 136-143 DOI : 10.12991/201014449
Hormone of darkness: Melatonin
Pages 112-120 DOI : 10.12991/201014445
The evaluation of the nitroglycerin ointments compounded in community pharmacies in Turkey in terms of active ingredient content and dispensing properties
Pages 130-135 DOI : 10.12991/201014448
Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity of substituted thiourea derivatives
Pages 043-047 DOI : 10.12991/201115430
Quantitative determination of α-tocopherol and quality control studies in Sarcopoterium spinosum L.
Pages 007-010 DOI : 10.12991/201115438
Synthesis and characterization of triazenes derived from sulfonamides
Pages 011-017 DOI : 10.12991/201115439
Antioxidant effects of whey proteins in vitro
Pages 018-024 DOI : 10.12991/201115440
Folk medicinal plants of Silivri (İstanbul, Turkey)
Pages 025-029 DOI : 10.12991/201115441
The pro-oxidant effect of platelet gamma-glutamyltransferase in the presence of iron(III)
Pages 030-037 DOI : 10.12991/201115442
Oxidative alterations during human platelet storage
Pages 038-042 DOI : 10.12991/201115443
Quality control evaluation and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of Galanthus woronowii Losinsk
Pages 048-051 DOI : 10.12991/201115431
Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Sternbergia Waldst. & Kit. Species
Pages 052-057 DOI : 10.12991/201115429
Turkish folk medicinal plants, X: Ürgüp (Nevşehir)
Pages 058-068 DOI : 10.12991/201115432
Serum Ochratoxin A Levels in Geriatric Population
Pages 069-074 DOI : 10.12991/201115433
Evaluation of preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis use in a teaching and research hospital in İstanbul
Pages 075-079 DOI : 10.12991/201115434
Exploration of preliminary phytochemical studies of roots of ficus racemosa
Pages 080-083 DOI : 10.12991/201115435
The effect of centrally and peripherally administered oxytocin on increased anxiety and pain perception in rats with burn injury
Pages 084-088 DOI : 10.12991/201115436
Rational drug use and the role of the pharmacist
Pages 089-093 DOI : 10.12991/201115422
Synthesis and evaluation of cytotoxic activities of some substituted isoxazolone derivatives
Pages 094-099 DOI : 10.12991/201115424
Synthesis and biological evaluation of new sulfonamidoindoles
Pages 100-104 DOI : 10.12991/201115425
Synthesis of some novel Carbazole derivatives and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity
Pages 105-109 DOI : 10.12991/201115426
Drug induced parkinsonism as an adverse drug reaction
Pages 110-117 DOI : 10.12991/201115423
Etanercept protects remote organ damage in a rat model of thermal injury
Pages 118-124 DOI : 10.12991/201115427
Bioequivalence Studies in Healthy Volunteers: Olmesartan Medoxomil
Pages 125-128 DOI : 10.12991/201115428
Pages 001-008 DOI : 10.12991/201216414
Herbal drugs and drug interactions
Pages 009-022 DOI : 10.12991/201216415
Microbiological safety controls of selected hydrosols and their volatile compounds
Pages 023-028 DOI : 10.12991/201216416
The use of electronic information resources by community pharmacists
Pages 029-035 DOI : 10.12991/201216417
Patients' attitude about generics –Bulgarian perspective
Pages 036-040 DOI : 10.12991/201216418
Analgesic prescription pattern in the management of dental pain among dentists in İstanbul
Pages 041-047 DOI : 10.12991/201216419
Synthesis and voltammetric detection of 1H-benzimidazole derivatives on the interaction with DNA
Pages 048-055 DOI : 10.12991/201216420
Synthesis and evaluation of cytotoxic activities of some 1,4-disubstituted thiosemicarbazides, 2,5-disubstituted-1,3,4-thiadiazoles and 1,2,4-triazole-5-thiones derived from benzilic acid hydrazide
Pages 056-063 DOI : 10.12991/201216421
Alzheimer disease and neuroplasticity: New approaches and new targets in pharmacotherapy
Pages 065-076 DOI : 10.12991/201216404
Formulation technologies of orally fast disintegrating tablets
Pages 077-081 DOI : 10.12991/201216405
The importance of drug wastes from the standpoint of environment and human health
Pages 082-090 DOI : 10.12991/201216406
Determination of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs in equine biological samples by chromatographic methods
Pages 091-106 DOI : 10.12991/201216407
Role of acupuncture in stress management
Pages 107-114 DOI : 10.12991/201216408
The importance of “patient-nurse-physician-pharmacist” collaboration on drug administrations
Pages 115-119 DOI : 10.12991/201216409
The synthesis and biological activities of 3-acyl- 2,3-dihydro-1,3,4-oxadiazole/ 3-acyl-1,3,4-oxadiazoline derivatives obtained from hydrazide-hydrazones
Pages 120-133 DOI : 10.12991/201216410
Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of isoxazole derivatives containing 1,2,4-triazole Moiety
Pages 134-140 DOI : 10.12991/201216411
Protective effects of Nigella sativa against hypertension-induced oxidative stress and cardiovascular dysfunction in rats
Pages 141-149 DOI : 10.12991/201216412
Rational drug use awareness of the nurses in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Near East University Hospital
Pages 150-154 DOI : 10.12991/201216413
Evidence based pharmacy practice
Pages 155-158 DOI : 10.12991/201216394
National pharmacovigilance system and current practice in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Pages 159-163 DOI : 10.12991/201216395
Herbal medicines in the pharmacies in Turkey
Pages 164-180 DOI : 10.12991/201216396
Synthesis, characterization and antiviral evaluation of 1,3-Thiazolidine-4-one derivatives bearing L-Valine side chain
Pages 181-193 DOI : 10.12991/201216398
An ethnobotanical study of the useful and edible plants of İzmit
Pages 194-200 DOI : 10.12991/201216398
Comparison of stereochemical structures of cholesterol from different sources by HPLC
Pages 201-205 DOI : 10.12991/201216399
Assessment of the Antibiotics in Out-Patient Prescriptions with a Diagnosis of a Single Infection
Pages 206-212 DOI : 10.12991/201216400
Melatonin protects against acrylamideinduced oxidative tissue damage in rats
Pages 213-221 DOI : 10.12991/201216401
The synthesis and antitubercular activity of substituted hydrazone,2-pyrazoline-5-one and 2-isoxazoline-5-one derivatives possessing 1,3,4-thiadiazole moiety
Pages 222-228 DOI : 10.12991/201216402
Biological evaluation of some triazole and triazolothiadiazine derivatives
Pages 229-234 DOI : 10.12991/201216403
Drug product registration and marketing authorization procedures in EU-A perspective
Pages 001-006 DOI : 10.12991/201317384
Assessment of case management of dyspepsia at community pharmacies in two cities of Pakistan
Pages 007-011 DOI : 10.12991/201317385
Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Tripleurospermum parviflorum (Willd.) Pobed
Pages 012-014 DOI : 10.12991/201317386
Synthesis and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity of some N-substituted-5-chloro-2(3H)- benzoxazolone derivatives
Pages 015-020 DOI : 10.12991/201317387
Ethnobotanical studies in the Maldan Village (Province Manisa, Turkey)
Pages 021-025 DOI : 10.12991/201317388
Microwave assisted synthesis of some novel Flurbiprofen hydrazidehydrazones as anti-HCV NS5B and anticancer agents
Pages 026-034 DOI : 10.12991/201317389
EvaluatIon of toxIcItIes seen In young and older chIldren
Pages 035-041 DOI : 10.12991/201317390
In vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of some Centaurea L. species
Pages 042-045 DOI : 10.12991/201317391
The protective effect of Nigella sativa oil in the brain of the biliary obstructed rats
Pages 046-051 DOI : 10.12991/201317392
The effect of betulinic acid on TNBS-induced experimental colitis
Pages 052-059 DOI : 10.12991/201317393
The new pharmacovigilance legislation and impact on observational studies
Pages 061-064 DOI : 10.12991/201317374
Natural polymers: Best carriers for improving bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs in solid dispersions
Pages 065-072 DOI : 10.12991/201317375
Adverse effects of chemotherapeutics on male reproductive system, and protective strategies
Pages 073-092 DOI : 10.12991/201317376
Main spectrophotometric methods for the determination of total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity
Pages 093-103 DOI : 10.12991/201317377
Researches conducted on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of health professionals and pharmacists
Pages 104-112 DOI : 10.12991/201317378
The role of patient education in adherence to antibiotic therapy in primary care
Pages 113-119 DOI : 10.12991/201317379
Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy
Pages 120-130 DOI : 10.12991/201317380
Design and synthesis of some new heterocyclic benzylidene hydrazide derivatives for their antileishmanial activity
Pages 131-137 DOI : 10.12991/201317381
Etodolac Thiosemicarbazides: A novel class of hepatitis C virus NS5B polymerase inhibitors
Pages 138-146 DOI : 10.12991/201317382
Synthesis and chemotherapeutic activities of 5-chloro-1H-indole-2,3-dione 3-thiosemicarbazones
Pages 147-154 DOI : 10.12991/201317383
Assessing of public awareness concerning unused medicines in households: a pilot study
Pages 155-159 DOI : 10.12991/2013171308
An approach to the intelligent drug delivery systems: Thermo-responsive membrane for pulsatile drug delivery
Pages 160-164 DOI : 10.12991/2013171309
Comparative bone uptake study of alendronate sodium from vaginal suppositories prepared with polyethylene glycol and massa estarinum bases
Pages 165-169 DOI : 10.12991/2013171310
Foam fractionation in recovery of captopril
Pages 170-174 DOI : 10.12991/2013171311
The evaluation of prescription dispensing scores of the pharmacy students before and after the problem-based “rational drug use” course: Results of the two years' experience
Pages 175-180 DOI : 10.12991/2013171312
Development of a New and Efficient Synthesis Method of 1,2,4-Triazole-5- Thione Derivatives
Pages 181-186 DOI : 10.12991/2013171313
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some pyrazoline derivatives bearing amide moiety
Pages 187-192 DOI : 10.12991/2013171314
Evaluation of Anti-Diarrhoeal Activity of the Leaves Extract of Ficus Microcarpa L. (Moraceae)
Pages 135-138 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187240
Pharmacoeconomics education and the knowledge levels of pharmacy students a in schools of pharmacy
Pages 005-012 DOI : 10.12991/201414120
The effects of bitter almond oil on some biochemical parameters in serum and erythrocytes of streptozotocin-induced Type-1 diabetic rats
Pages 013-021 DOI : 10.12991/201414121
In vitro investigation of the effects of colistin alone with and tigecycline, imipenem and rifampicin combinations on polymorphonuclear leukocyte functions, oxidative stress, oxidant and antioxidant enzymes in patients with bronchiectasis
Pages 026-035 DOI : 10.12991/201414123
Preparation, characterization and biological evaluation of chitosanmoxifloxacin prodrugs for pharmaceuticals
Pages 036-042 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201414124
The effect of pharmacy information management system on safety medication use: A study from private hospitals in İstanbul
Pages 001-004 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201414119
Traditional and Alternative Methods For the Evaluation of Eye Irritation Potential of Cosmetic Products
Pages 195-206 DOI : 10.12991/marupj.277721
Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic activities of Sambucus ebulus L. flowers, fruits and leaves
Pages 022-025 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201414122
Investigation of the protective effect of Cinnamomum cassia bark extract against H2O2-induced oxidative DNA damage in human peripheral blood lymphocytes and antioxidant activity
Pages 043-048 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.201414125
Tadalafil attenuates spinal cord injury induced oxidative organ damage in rats
Pages 049-055 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186119
The effect of silymarin on the liver in thermal burn injury
Pages 056-061 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186120
The Evaluation of Salivary Thromboplastic Activity of An Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Case During Treatment
Pages 062-065 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186121
Regular swimming exercise performed either before or after the induction of renovascular hypertension alleviates oxidative renal injury in rats
Pages 066-072 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186122
Opinion of Pharmacists Towards Accessibility of Physically Disabled People to Pharmacy
Pages 073-078 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186123
Türkiye"nin ilk sanal herbaryumu IZEF örneği ve sanal herbaryumların bitkisel ilaç hammaddesi araştırmaları açısından önemi
Pages 079-084 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186124
Pages 085-100 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014186125
A Preliminary Study on the Use of Ultrasound for Obtaining Pulsatile Release
Pages 101-108 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187236
Synthesis, QSAR and docking studies of 5HT2A receptor antagonising thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidines as antipsychotic agents
Pages 109-119 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187237
Synthesis and larvicidal and adult topical activity of some hydrazidehydrazone derivatives against Aedes aegypti
Pages 120-125 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187238
In Vitro Investigation of The Effects of Some Antibiotics on Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Functions and Oxidative Stress in Hemodialysis Patients
Pages 139-146 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187241
Effect of Honey Supplementation on Total Antioxidant Capacity of Herbal Teas
Pages 147-152 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187242
Attitude and Knowledge of Hospitalized Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Towards Disposable Insulin Pens Utilization
Pages 159-163 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187244
Direct to consumer drug advertisments and patient rights: A qualitative research
Pages 164-176 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187245
Identification of Indigoid Dyes Found in Rapana venosa by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode-array Dedection
Pages 177-181 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187246
Wound Healing and Oxidative Stress
Pages 153-158 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187243
Protective and Therapeutic Effects of Polygonum cognatum Meissn Aqueous Extract in Experimental Colitis
Pages 126-134 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2014187239
Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for quality control of oxantel pamoate, pyrantel pamoat and praziquantel in tablets
Pages 027-035 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198607
Yeditepe University Faculty of Pharmacy Students Smoking Habits: Qualitative and Quantitative Approach
Pages 036-042 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198608
Investigation of the effect of silymarin on the liver in experimental sepsis
Pages 052-059 DOI : 10.12991/mpj.2015198610
Quality By Design: QbD and Quality Risk Management
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The effect of oxytocin on the urinary bladder in male rats exposed to water avoidance stress: Light and electron microscopic investigation
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Plants Traditonally Used for Asthma in Turkey
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Candida albicans effects the tissue factor activity of blood cells in Type II Diabetes Mellitus
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Mechanical evaluation of matrix type transdermal therapeutic systems containing captopril
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Synthesis, characterization and antiproliferative activities of novel modified poly (maleic anhydride-co-vinyl acetate)/cytosine β-Darabinofuranoside hydrochloride conjugate
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Antioxidant, antimicrobial activities and total flavonoid contents of Cirsium bulgaricum DC. leaf extracts
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The interference of piperidinopropionaphthone hydrochloride in mammalian type I and type II DNA topoisomerase reactions
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Derivatization of Some Maleic Anhydride Containing Copolymers with Amine Functionalized Pharmaceutical Active Substances, Structural Characterizations and Biological Activities
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The History of Leadership and The Importance of Leadership in the Turkish Pharmaceutical Industry
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Development and validation of an HPLC method for determination of nateglinide in drug substances
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Synthesis and biological evaluation of some new 1,3,4-thiadiazole and 1,2,4-triazole derivatives from L-methionine as antituberculosis and antiviral agents
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Investigation of Molluscan Indigoid Dyes-Metal Interaction with Spectrophotometric Method
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Wild Edible Plants of Pertek (Tunceli-Turkey)
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Evaluation of Antioxidant activities of Brassica napus"s seeds by CUPRAC, ABTS/Persulphate and DMPD methods
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Determination of heavy metals in herbal teas marketed in İstanbul
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Preformulation Studies of Transdermal Therapeutic Systems Containing Betahistine
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Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) as a paradigm for predicting antiviral activity against Ebola virus (EBOV)
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A Study about the Leadership Approaches of the Turkish Drug Companies" Managers
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The Determination of The Acidity Constants and The Stability Constants of Flavokermesic Acid Complexes with Tin(II) and Aluminium(III) Ions by Potentiometric Method
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Quantitative Determination of The Heavy Metals (Lead, Zinc And Manganese) in White Cheese Produced in Ergene Basin by Using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
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Analysis of Vocational Training Programmes in The Turkish Pharmacısts" Association Pharmacy Academy From Continuing Professional Development Perspective
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The Role of Communication on Pharmacy
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Applications of carbon nanotubes for determination of inorganic and organic species in biological and clinical samples
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A Smart Oro-Soft Palate Mucosal Drug Delivery: Credentials and Future Trends
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Brand Personalıty in Independent Pharmacies
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Blood, hair, urine and breath samples for the analysis of drugs of abuse
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Toxic Effects of Xenobiotics on DNA and Toxicogenetics
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Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Some Novel Tolmetin Thiosemicarbazides
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mTOR Inhibitors in the Treatment of Cancer
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Biosimilar products: Definitions and registration process
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An Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants in Bayramiç (Çanakkale- Turkey)
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Evaluation of Pharmacy Manager"s Knowledge and Attitude on Extemporaneous Preparation
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Transdermal delivery of ethosomes as a novel vesicular carrier for paroxetine hydrochloride: In vitro evaluation and In vivo study
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Pyhtocosmetics in Pharmacy
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Potential problems of biosimilars in clinical practice
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Wild Edible Plants of Southern Part of Nevşehir in Turkey
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Synthesis and cholinesterase inhibitory activity of some phenylacetamide derivatives bearing 1H-pyrazole or 1H-1,2,4-triazole
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Bioterrorism and Pharmacy Services
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Association between multidrug-resistance associated protein 1 (MRP1) G1666A gene polymorphism and urinary arsenic levels
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Gebelikte non-steroidal antiinflamatuvar ilaçların kullanımının değerlendirilmesi
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Examination and evaluation of pharmaceutical designed and made patent applications for gene therapy
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In situ production of cationic lipid coated magnetic nanoparticles in multiple emulsions for gene delivery
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Distribution of Sickle Cell Anemia in Turkey, Pathophysiology and Iron Toxicity
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Development and Validation of an Hplc Method for Voriconazole Active Substance in Bulk and its Pharmaceutical Formulationand validation of an HPLC method for voriconazole active substance in bulk and its pharmaceutical formulation
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A comparison study of anti food allergy of plane tree leaves extract with the chemical drug therapy in affected dogs
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Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of some 2-(4-aminophenyl)- 5-substituted amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives and their coupling products
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Occupational Problems of Public Hospital Pharmacists
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Characterization of Chrysophyllum albidum and Anacardium occidentale gums as wet and dry binders in ciprofloxacin tablets
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Gastroretentive floating tablets: An investigation of excipients effect on tablet properties
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Antioxidant properties and enzyme inhibitory effects of extracts from Mandragora autumnalis and its fatty acid composition
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Essential Oil Compositions and Antimicrobial Activity of Piper arborescens Roxb.
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Preliminary investigations of in vitro antioxidant, antityrosinase, acetylcholinesterase and anti-inflammatory activities of Actinodaphne species
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Vitamin U ameliorates glycoprotein components, enzyme and tissue factor activities of amiodarone toxicity in liver
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Screening for antioxidant and antimutagenic properties of extracts from Centaurea pterocaula as well as their enzyme inhibitory potentials
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Edaravone ameliorates valproate-induced gingival toxicity by reducing oxidative-stress, inflammation and tissue damage
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Current therapeutic approaches to diabetic neuropathy
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In vitro PDGF-B gene silencing studies and In vivo delivery of siRNA to the rat kidney using Chitosan/siRNA nanoplexes
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Ethnomedicinal survey of plants used in the treatment of female ınfertility in Chanchaga Local Government Area in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
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Investigation of Effect of Acetamiprid and d-Tubocurarine on Frog Nerve Tissue (I: Oxidative Potential)
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