After passing neutral and alkaline solutions through the skin, some decrease in the connective tissue fibrils has been observed. But, upon passing CASC through the skin, some increase is noted in the connective fibrils, and they became somewhat thicker.
If the 0.1 M NaHCO3 and CASC solutions are passed consequently through the skin, a significant increase in size and thickness of the fibrils is observed.
As already known, CASC can dissolve pre-keratin and 0.1 M NaHCO3 can precipitate it. But, for the collagen fibrils increased significantly in size and thickness in our experiments, it can be deduced that the consentive interaction of NaHCO3 and CASC has the opposite effect on collagen in comparison with pre-keratin.
Another effect of the above process on the skin was the formation of micro bullae which is made up from the remnants of the cells.
Keywords : CASC, sodium bicorbonate, collagen, kreatin, micro bullae