Ascorbic acid and rutin have been extracted with methanol from Rutinal C tablets, filtered off, diluted to appropriate volume, and quantitatively estimated by measuring their first derivative absorbance values, dA/ dλ at 258.8 and 337.4 nm, respectively.
With the purpose of comparison of the results obtained by derivative spectrophotometry, the same tablets were analyzed for ascorbic acid by the method recommended in USP XXI. Since a suitable method for rutin was not available in the pharmacopoeias, rutin was estimated by direct UV- spectrophotometry utilizing the absırbance at 358.4 nm.
The obtained results were statistically compared in respect to accuracy and precision by the aid of t and F tests on the basis 95% confidence level. There were no significant differences between the corresponding means and precisions.
Keywords : Ascorbic acid, rutin, derivative spectrophotometry