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Marmara University
Bimonthly (Six issues / year)
Former Name
Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
2017 , Vol 21 , Issue 1
Folk Medicine in Selected Towns of the Marmara Subregion (Turkey)
1Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji ABD, 06800, Beytepe / Ankara2Gazi Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi, Eczacılık Temel Bilimleri ABD, 06330, Etiler / Ankara
3Türk Telekom Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, 26110, Odunpazarı / Eskişehir
4Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Biyoloji Eğitimi ABD, 06800, Beytepe / Ankara
5Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi, Farmakognozi ve Fitoterapi ABD, 34755, Ataşehir / İstanbul DOI : 10.12991/marupj.259891 In this study, 263 volunteers residing in the districts of Bilecik-Aşağıköy, Bilecik-Pazaryeri-Büyük Elmalı, Bursa-City Center, Edirne-Keşan-Kozköy, Edirne-Keşan and Edirneİpsala participated into the research by using the face-to-face oral interview technique and the required information for the research was collected with the help of a questionary. In the light of the data taken from the survey, parts of the plants that are used as household remedy, aim of the usage and pattern of the preparation (decoction, infusion, poultice, ointment etc.) were documented inquisitively. All collected plant materials have been identified and deposited at the Herbarium of Faculty of Education of Hacettepe University (HEF). In this study, 68 taxa belonging to 33 families were found to be used as household remedy. It was observed that the majority of these plants belonged to Rosaceae (10 taxa), Lamiaceae (8 taxa), Asteraceae (7 taxa) and Poaceae (4 taxa) families. Gastrointestinal system (46 remedies; 24,6%), respiratory system and chest diseases (41 remedies; 21,9%), urinary system (18 remedies; 9,6%), hemapoietic, immune system and cancer (18 remedies; 9,6%) remain most among 187 uses were documented as household remedy. Keywords : Folk medicine, Bilecik, Bursa, Edirne, Turkey