In this paper, the life, works publications of Dr. Esad Şerefeddin, who thought botany between 1889 and 1933 in the military and civil medical schools and in the faculties of medicine and science of the Darülfünun, are examined. His publications are as follows: Mebadi-i İlmi-i Nebatat (Introduction to Botany,1901), Nebatat-ı Tıbbiye Dersleri (Medical Botany Courses,1909), İlm-i Nebatat (Botany,1912), Nebatat-ı Saydelaniye (Pharmaceutical Botany,1912), Hafi İlkahlı Nebatlar (The Cryptograms, 1917), İlkah-ı Hafi Nebatlar (The Cryptogams, 1924-26), Muhtasar Nebatat (A Short Textbook of Botany, 1926/1927). He also published articles in Darülfünun Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası (Journal of the Darülfünun Faculty of Medicine) and in Darülfünun Fen Fakültesi Mecmuası (Journal of the Darülfünun Faculty of Science) in 1916, 1917 and 1924.
Through his books on systematic and medical botany written with reference to French texts, he introduced this science to the students of secondary and higher educations in Turkey. His books and the botanical gardens he founded show that he was a dedicated teacher of this discipline. He also rendered valuable services as head-doctor in various military hospitals during the war years, especially in Balkan War (1912-13) and the First World War (1914-18).
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